Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship guides students to be kind, respectful and responsible agents in the digital world. Students learn about the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical. The digital citizenship curriculum is the responsibility of all teachers.

Mission and Objectives

1. Our Students learn to engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behaviors when using technology, (including social interactions online or when using networked devices) through our Responsible Use Policy.

2. Our Teachers develop in students, the agency, skills and knowledge to exercise responsible digital citizenship.

Kindergarden – Grade 2

K-2 Unit 1

1 – GOING PLACES SAFELY How do you go places safely on the computer?

2 – ABC SEARCHING How can you use the alphabet to find things online?

3 – KEEP IT PRIVATE What kinds of information should you keep to yourself when you use the Internet?

4 – MY CREATIVE WORK How can you give credit to your own creative work? 

5 – SENDING EMAIL How do you connect with others through email?

K-2 Unit 2

1 – STAYING SAFE ONLINE How do you stay safe when you visit a website?\

2 – FOLLOW THE DIGITAL TRAIL What information is OK to have in your digital footprint? 

3 – SCREEN OUT THE MEAN What can you do when someone is mean to you online? 

4 – USING KEYWORDS Which keywords will give you the best search results?

5 – SITES I LIKE What makes a website the right site for you?

K-2 Unit 3

1 – POWERFUL PASSWORDS How do you create a secure password?

2 – MY ONLINE COMMUNITY How does the Internet connect you to others?

3 – THINGS FOR SALE How do some websites try to get you to buy things?\

4 – SHOW RESPECT ONLINE How can you make sure your emails are clear and respectful?

5 – WRITING GOOD EMAILS How is writing an email similar to or different from writing a letter?

Grades 3-5

G3-5 Unit 1

1 – RINGS OF RESPONSIBILITY What kinds of responsibilities does a good digital citizen have? 

2 – PRIVATE AND PERSONAL INFORMATION How can you protect yourself from online identity theft? 

3 – THE POWER OF WORDS What should you do when someone uses mean or scary language on the Internet? 

4 – THE KEY TO KEYWORDS Which keywords will give you the best search results?

5 – WHOSE IS IT, ANYWAY? How can you show respect for other people’s work?

G3-5 Unit 2

1 – STRONG PASSWORDS How can a secure password help you protect your private information?

2 – DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP PLEDGE How do you create a positive online community?  

3 – YOU’VE WON A PRIZE! What is spam, and what can you do about it?

4 – HOW TO CITE A SITE How do you cite different types of online sources?

5 – PICTURE PERFECT How can photos be changed on the computer, and how can that affect your feelings about the way you look?

G3-5 Unit 3

1 – TALKING SAFELY ONLINE What’s the difference between Internet friends and in-person friends? 

2 – SUPER DIGITAL CITIZEN How can people help others be good digital citizens?  

3 – PRIVACY RULES How do you know if a website protects your private information?

4 – WHAT’S CYBERBULLYING? What is cyberbullying, and how do you deal with it? 

5 – SELLING STEREOTYPES How do we learn stereotypes of boys and girls from media messages?

Grades 6-8

G6-8 Unit 1

1 – DIGITAL LIFE 101 What is the place of digital media in our lives?

2 – STRATEGIC SEARCHING What steps can help you find what you’re looking for when you search online?

3 – SCAMS AND SCHEMES What is identity theft, and how can you protect yourself from it?

4 – CYBERBULLYING: BE UPSTANDING How do you judge the intentions and impact of people’s words and actions online? 

5 – A CREATOR’S RIGHTS What rights do you have as a creator?

G6-8 Unit 2

1 – MY MEDIA What are your personal media habits, and how much time do you spend with different forms of media?

2 – A CREATOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES What responsibilities do you have to respect others’ creative work? 

3 – SAFE ONLINE TALK How should you handle inappropriate online talk? 

4 – WHICH ME SHOULD I BE? What are the outcomes of presenting yourself in different ways online? 

5 – GENDER STEREOTYPES ONLINE What are gender stereotypes, and can they shape our experiences online?

G6-8 Unit 3

1 – TRILLION DOLLAR FOOTPRINT What is a digital footprint, and what does yours convey? 

2 – IDENTIFYING HIGH-QUALITY SITES When can you trust what you find on the internet?

3 – THE REALITY OF DIGITAL DRAMA Does the way we think about digital drama have anything to do with gender?  

4 – CYBERBULLYING: CROSSING THE LINE When does inappropriate online behavior cross the line into cyberbullying, and what can you do about it? 

5 – REWORK, REUSE, REMIX What rights do you have as a creator?

Common Sense Media Framework, students learn about Digital Citizenship through eight domains.

Grades 9-12

G9-12 Unit 1

1 – DIGITAL LIFE 102 What is the place of digital media in our lives?

2 – OOPS! I BROADCAST IT ON THE INTERNET What are the consequences of oversharing online?

3 – COPYRIGHTS AND WRONGS How can I make responsible choices when I use other people’s creative work? 

4 – FEELING ON DISPLAY Are girls and guys judged differently when they post photos online? 

5 – TURN DOWN THE DIAL ON CYBERBULLYING Which factors intensify cyberbullying and online cruelty, and what can you do to lessen them?

G9-12 Unit 2

1 – MY ONLINE CODE What does it mean to do the right thing online? 

2 – WHO ARE YOU ONLINE? How do you present yourself to the world online and offline?

3 – BUILDING COMMUNITY ONLINE How can websites foster community online?

4 – OVEREXPOSED: SEXTING AND RELATIONSHIPS What are the risks and responsibilities when you share online in a relationship? 

5 – RISKY ONLINE RELATIONSHIPS How can you tell when an online relationship is risky?

G9-12 Unit 3

1 – RIGHTS, REMIXES, AND RESPECT What should you consider when you use other people’s creative work? 

2 – TAKING PERSPECTIVES ON CYBERBULLYING How does online cruelty affect the people involved? 

3 – WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL ABOUT INTERNET PRIVACY? How do websites collect your personal information, and what can you do about it?

4 – BECOMING A WEB CELEB What does it mean to become an Internet celebrity?  

5 – COLLEGE BOUND How can information you post on the Internet affect your future opportunities?

G9-12 Unit 4

1 – PRIVATE TODAY, PUBLIC TOMORROW How can you respect the privacy of others online?

2 – DOES IT MATTER WHO HAS YOUR DATA? What are the upsides and downsides of companies collecting your data online?

3 – BREAKING DOWN HATE SPEECH How can you create a community culture in which hate speech is unacceptable, both online and offline? 

4 – RETOUCHING REALITY What are the creative and ethical aspects of digital-photo manipulation? 

5 – COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE What are the benefits and drawbacks of people working together to create information online?

These units and lessons have been adopted from

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