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Taking Notes During Lectures

General Things to Consider

  • Note-taking helps you listen; it does not interfere with listening and comprehension.
  • It’s also a great way to help you pay attention in classes you may otherwise feel bored.
  • It’s ok for your initial notes to be messy.
  • Use the method in the notes section that works best for you. Using bullet points is a flexible method.
  • Formal outlines are difficult to use for initial notes and can often slow you down. Outlines work better when revising notes.
  • You should study your notes at three critical moments: (1) within 5-10 after you finished taking them, within 24 hours and then again with in 7 days. Students who do not study their notes have these times are likely to forget as much as 50% of information they obtained from reading and 75% of the information that was given in a lecture format.
  • Taking notes on notes can double the amount of information you retain and are able to recall.

When should you take notes? Take notes when…

  • The teacher is speaking
  • The teacher is writing something on the board
  • Classmates are asking or answering questions
  • You are engaged in a discussion or activity

What you should do…

  • Leave space to add notes later.
  • Draw a question mark when you miss something or don’t quite understand.
  • Listen for cue words:
    • The first step…the second step…
    • today we will discuss…
    • the three factors that contributed to…
    • Next we will discuss…
    • Discuss this question with your partner…
  • Write down the following exactly:
    • Formulas
    • Definitions
    • Dates
    • Specific facts
    • Names of people
  • Use abbreviations when possible—and use them consistently:
    • b/c for because
    • w/ for with
    • w/o for without
    • ex for example
    • & for and
  • Draw arrows, lines, and boxes around especially important things or headings. Highlight and underline.
  • Notes can be messy. Don’t worry. It’s okay to draw arrows, circle things.
  • Write SP? for words
  • Draw a question mark ? with a circle around it for points you don’t fully understand or may have missed.

What you should NOT do…

  • Try to write everything down. The average person speaks 125 words per minute. The average notetaker can handwrite 25 words per minute. You must be selective and summarize in your own words.
  • Write full sentences–unless they are written on the board or you are quoting someone
  • Write phrases when a word will do.
  • Create an outline as you take notes. Formal outlines are difficult to use for initial notes.

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