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Research Guidelines – Secondary

Excellent research skills are crucial to academic achievement. In order to give our students the best chance at academic success, IST has identified and adopted the following common guidelines for learning experiences and assessment tasks that include research. These guidelines are located in the IST Information Literacy Continuum. Research-based learning experiences and assessment are defined as any learning that includes or requires investigation of published sources. These guidelines were established to ensure consistency across grade levels and to gradually increase expectations up to the end of Grade 10. A common approach and set of expectations will help students reinforce skills that have been explicitly taught in one or more subject areas and help teachers plan meaningful and appropriately challenging tasks.

These guidelines apply to all teachers of grades 6 to 10 at IST. All teachers are expected to use them when incorporating research into learning experiences or assigning research tasks. All teachers are encouraged to use The Literacy Lab to support their writing assignments.

  1. Research Process:
    a. All teachers shall follow the IST’s Inquiry Process when engaging students in research activities.
    b. Teachers shall ensure that the research process incorporates multiple literacies, including information literacy, digital literacy, and media literacy.
    c. Teachers shall promote digital citizenship by teaching students responsible and ethical use of information and technology during the research process.
    d. Teachers shall encourage students to consider multiple perspectives and diverse sources of information when conducting research.
    e. Teachers shall support the personalization of learning by providing opportunities for students to explore research topics aligned with their interests and goals.
    f. Teachers shall foster design thinking by encouraging students to approach research as a creative problem-solving process.
  2. Student Voice and Agency:
    a. Teachers shall empower students by involving them in the research process, allowing them to make choices, and encouraging their active participation and collaboration.
    b. Teachers shall provide students with opportunities to express their ideas and opinions through their research projects.
  3. Social and Emotional Growth:
    a. Teachers shall create a supportive and inclusive research environment that promotes social and emotional growth.
    b. Teachers shall consider the well-being of students during the research process, providing guidance and resources to manage any potential stress or challenges.

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